Protect & secure your network from the ground up

Cyber security is constantly evolving and is a key component of GDPR compliance.

With the entire world online, there are hordes of opportunistic hackers looking to harvest financial and personal data from reputable businesses like yours.

Block the cyber threats that could lead to data breaches and know where personal data can be breached within your environment & team.

Reveal some common data breaches below

Reveal some common data breaches below

It’s Leaving In A Box, It’s Leaving In A Cardboard Box!

Conduct an exit interview with departing employees

Check for personal data in belongings - Names / Addresses / Numbers / Emails

Remember to remove their personal data from your system

I've Bin Around The World... And I Can't Find My Data!

Ensure confidential documents are destroyed securely not left in a bin

Train staff in handling personal data

Have a clear retention policy

Shooting PHISH In A Barrel!

Consider before giving personal details online, check hyperlink is genuine

Ensure website is secured with padlock and HTTPS:\\

Provide adequate cyber awareness training to ALL Staff

The Old Ones Are The Best!

Ensure your computers are running the latest operating systems

Apply the latest software and hardware patches and updates

Make sure your anti-virus software is kept up to date

Under Lock And Key!

Ensure personal data is not on public display when unattended

Lock cupboards, cabinets and drawers containing personal data

Remove public facing contact and telephone lists

Display And Pay!

Never pin passwords to noticeboards, screen dividers or stick post-it notes on a monitor

Change your password frequently, using different passwords for each different application / website

Consider multi-factor authentication or password management tools

Listen Very Carefully… I Shall Say This Only Once!

Ask yourself... is it your information to share?

Consider who else is listening

Always lock your computer screen when away from your desk

Opened Up A Can Of Spam!

Hover over any hyperlinks in emails to check validity before clicking

Don't just open attachments, if it looks suspicious... IT IS!

Never reply to or forward spam email messages

Hot Gossip... Loose Lips!

GDPR brings tighter controls on sharing personal data, think before talking about individuals

Company information is commercially sensitive or intellectual property, should it be given away freely?

Provide employees with training around handling company data / secrets

Chip And Sin!

Know your payment card industry (PCI) compliance procedures

Don't write down credit card details or repeat card numbers / CVC numbers out loud

Ensure calls containing credit card details are not recorded

I’m An Archive… Get Me Out Of Here!

Have a data retention policy which states how long paper records are kept

Ensure sensitive / personal data is destroyed securely

Notify data subjects that their information has been destroyed

Leaked Documents!

Raise IT equipment up off the floor to protect against flooding and make sure the room is well ventilated

Ensure you implement an offsite backup strategy as well as an onsite backup as part of your disaster recovery plan

Consider scanning your paper documents into digital form to reduce the risks of fire or flood damage

Hedge Find!

Implement device management tools to remote wipe lost or stolen devices

Ensure devices are locked down with appropriate security and authentication tools

Consider whether personal data is stored on mobile devices and what your business controls are

Someone Stole My Homework!

Assign appropriate permissions for the roles of your users

Apply security policies which may include disabling USB ports on certain devices

Ensure job roles and responsibilities are updated to include the handling of personal data

I Could Tell You... But I Would Have To Kill You!

Make it clear what you are storing, what it will be used for and how long for when obtaining personal data

Display your privacy statement both online and for visitors to your premises

Don't hold onto data just because, consent can be withdrawn and people have a right to be forgotten


Get the best information on these new important
policies for your business.

Ensure your network is not leaking data

Get your FREE vulnerability scan with axisfirst
contact us on 01278 421020

Free vulnerability scan is limited to 1 free test per company and will be conducted on a single public facing static IP address.
There are 100 free tests up for grabs and will be on a first come first serve basis.


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